Bolsonaro continues making crowds and photos on his vacation and has shown himself without any concern for what happens in the floods in Bahia
Unfortunately, the lack of empathy outweighs the lack of command of President Jair Bolsonaro (PL). On vacation this weekend, Bolsonaro does not act as a statesman to help alleviate the effects of the chaos that the southern region of Bahia is experiencing due to the excess of heavy rains that have occurred since November in the region.
So far, 116 areas have been affected, 100 municipalities are in a state of emergency, 20 deaths and more than 400,000 people are homeless, without food and clean water to drink.
The governor of Bahia, Rui Costa (PT), has reported on several initiatives with the infrastructure of the state itself and has publicly complained about the lack of federal support, which only started to dawn on the 28th. According to Rui, president Bolsonaro did well at the beginning of the rains visiting the state and brought many problems and conflicts that yielded unfulfilled aggression and promises of help.
"This is the biggest disaster in the history of Bahia", says Rui Costa.

Ministers doing a platform in Bahia
Landed in southern Bahia the ministers of Regional Development, Rogério Marinho; of Citizenship, João Roma; of Health, Marcelo Queiroga; of Women, Family and Human Rights, Damares Alves, promised help, but with a platform set up, they did not spare criticism of the state of Bahia.
On Tuesday, 12/28, the federal government announced that it would transfer the amount of R$ 200 million to actions to deal with the consequences caused by the rain in Bahia. But the union drew attention to the fact that the money belongs to other regions and cannot be used solely and exclusively in Bahia, that is, Bolsonaro and his ministers lied when they said they would help. Senator Jaques Wagner (PT-BA), president of the Senate Environment Commission and who is at the head of the task force together with the state governor, Rui Castro, warned that the amount is insufficient for all the damage.
Wagner does not rule out the possibility of calling an emergency to vote on a bill or provisional measure to allocate aid to victims of the rains in Bahia. Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), president of the House, has already indicated that he is.
What help has arrived
The other northeastern states have sent emergency firefighters, vehicles, water and food. Artists have been kitting out and using their image to collect financial donations. The health ministry only yesterday, 28, assigned first-aid doctors and the army begins sending troops.

Make your donation!
Banco do Brasil's bank account has branch number: 3832-6 (public sector) and account: 993.602-5, identified as BA Estado Solidário.
For deposits via PIX, donors must use the CNPJ of Sudec - Superintendence of Civil Defense and Protection of the State: 13.420.302/0001-60
Data Source: Website of the Government of the State of Bahia (Portuguese from Brazil)
The holidays in Bolsonaro
Since the 27th, Bolsonaro has been on vacation in São Francisco do Sul, on the Santa Catarina coast, to spend the New Year's Eve period. His trip to the region takes place in the midst of the tragedy recorded in Bahia, which he demonstrates in several interviews that he does not worry too much about the tragedy in Bahia.
“I hope I don't have to go back sooner,” he said in a video released by the Santa Catarina portal ND Mais, while talking to some people on the beach. On Tuesday, 28, Bolsonaro went for a ride on a watercraft.
The president's absence in this case has moved the backstage of politics in Brasilia and allies have complained that it will publicly affect next year's elections. Federal Deputies of Bahia have met with the President of the Chamber, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), to anticipate the release of aid.
“It's a complete reversal of priorities. While more than 400,000 people are affected by this tragedy, he is fishing. It's even cruel. It is the mark of cruelty, of complete lack of sensitivity to the other's problem. It's not because the governor of Bahia belongs to another party that he should act like this”, vents the deputy, Alice Portugal (PCdoB-BA), mentioning the well-known political animosity between Bolsonaro and governor Rui Costa (PT).
The leader of the Bolsonaro government in the Chamber, Deputy Ricardo Barros (PP-PR), in an interview with UOL, made the situation in Bahia little serious and said that "the federal government is already present" in the region for having sent three ministers and one Troop of the Armed Forces.
“This is the characteristic of the Bolsonaro government: it is not concerned with the people, with the citizen, the citizen. And we who are in politics have to have this responsibility. A moment like this is not a time for celebration, it is not a time to celebrate anything. It's time to be supportive. This isn't Bolsonaro, so it's no surprise for me that he travels to Santa Catarina”, reacts deputy Valmir Assunção (PT-BA).
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