The disease of hatred in Brazil was commemorated with the theft of green and yellow to dress fascism in surrendering and genocidal patriotism..
President Jair Bolsonaro (no party) promoted the most shameful September 7 in the history of Brazil. The date that is always remembered as a moment of valuing national symbols, its people and the constitution, was used in 2021 to exalt and fantasize fascism as the political solution to the depressing and incompetent way that the Bolsonaro government manages Brazil.
The use of September 7th was so petty that it divided part of its people who spent the day of war on social networks and on the streets of Brazil, with attempts by pocketnarista deniers to invade public bodies such as the Ministry of Health, which according to the crazy invaders, "to break vaccines" and the Supreme Court (STF) that suffered more than 20 attempts.
On the streets of the country, the deceived population dressed in green and yellow clothes, defending symbols of the empire and fascist-inspired hate guidelines as the end of social policies, such as Bolsa Família, of the Unified Health System (SUS), basic education, free high school, return from Ai5, arrest and death of STF ministers, closing of the Chamber and the Federal Senate, privatization of Petrobras, Banco do Brasil, Caixa Econômica and the post office (Correios).
To end the day, President Bolsonaro made criminal and coup speeches in Brasília and Rio de Janeiro, encouraging violence by the population together with the powers of the republic. The entire crash recorded on September 7th was starred in advance in videos of threats and financial rewards for those who kill one of the STF ministers posted on social networks and messenger groups such as Whatsapp, Telegram and Signal.
All this happened and has happened to people who think and question Bolsonaro's lack of ability to manage Brazil, which he broke in less than three years and the confirmation is the suffering of the people with the return of inflation, with the rise and lack of control of fuels, high energy and resumption of rationing and blackout due to lack of planning, with 14 million unemployed, with 20% of the population starving, with 60% of the population eating very poorly, criminalization of workers, a disastrous economic policy that closed a multinational in the country every three months and scrapped the national industry.
Cry of the Excluded and Out Bolsonaro
On the 7th, parallel to the coup and anti-democratic acts, the “Cry of the Excluded” was held annually by the Catholic Church and social movements, accompanied by a “Fora Bolsonaro” during the day and at night a pot in all capitals of Brazil.

House and Senate react passively
Wednesday, 09/08, dawned with the financial market fleeing Brazil, which resulted in the fall of the stock exchange and the rise of the dollar, which should continue unchecked and with the rise of fuels and their derivatives at any time.
The first to speak in a timid speech, but full of affirmations of not agreeing with coup and anti-democratic speech, was the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira (PP-AL).
"It's time to put a stop to this climb, in an infinite negative looping", he said, also saying that "bravado in social networks, videos and an eternal platform are no longer a virtual element and have started to impact the daily life of Brazil really".
"It is worth remembering that we have our Constitution, which will never be torn down. The only unpostponable and unquestionable commitment we have on our calendar is scheduled for October 3, 2022. With electronic voting machines. They are in the polling booths, with secrecy and security, that the people express their sovereignty."
Senate President Rodrigo Pacheco (DEM-MG), canceled the entire Senate agenda until next week and said that Brazil is going through a delicate moment and that only dialogue can promote the republic's balance again.
"We live in a country in crisis. A real crisis. Hunger and misery that knocks at the door of Brazilians, sacrificing people's dignity. Inflation with the loss of Brazilians' purchasing power, things are more expensive. A unemployment crisis, the energy crisis, the water crisis, a pandemic that has saddened the country a lot (...) The solution is not in authoritarianism, it is not in anti-democratic raptures, it is not in questioning democracy. of the constituted powers to seek convergences for what interests Brazilians."
STF reacts harshly

"no one, no one will close this court".
He responded to Bolsonaro's threats to fail to comply with judicial decisions by Minister Alexandre de Moraes, Fux warned that if the President of the Republic really ignores measures imposed against him and the Union, he will be committing "a crime of responsibility that fate is impeachment."
The president of the Supreme also said that the Court will not tolerate "threats to the authorities and their decisions".
Fux praised the work of the military and security, which avoided several attempts to deprecate the STF and defended the freedoms of assembly and expression, but warned of the speech of "false prophets".
How long will the Brazilian people put up with the Bolsonaro government, which has no commitment to the country? And what do you think of all this?
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