
This Friday morning, August 27, a ten-meter coffin representing the deaths caused by Bolsonaro and his government was burnt at the door of the Planalto Palace by indigenous people participating in the Luta Pela Vida camp.
'Ecocide', 'Outside Garimpo', 'It's Not Just a Virus', 'Condemnation to the Genocide' are some of the messages written on the coffin representing the death policy of a government that murders its people and disrespects their traditions and cultures.
Indigenous people were still at the door of the National Congress protesting against bills that affect their lives and territories and are now heading to the Ministry of Justice, the body responsible for demarcating indigenous lands.
Thousands of indigenous people call the world's attention to denounce the massacre they are suffering. Since the day, 22/08, they make a camp in Brasília and remain firm in the fight, despite the STF having tried to demobilize them.
Indigenous people have been denouncing to the world since August 22 the genocide they have suffered at the hands of the Bolsonaro government in favor of agribusiness, miners, and murderous land grabbers.
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[Photos: 1 to 3: Scarlett Rocha / Mídia Ninja and 4 to 6 Tuko / Esquerda Diário]